Customer Online Authorisation

It brings convenience to your customers and your business, by running an efficient process in how you gain authorisation on work for customers’ vehicles.

Customer Online Authorisation is a feature within Garage Hive that allows your customer to approve work on their vehicle after receiving an online estimate/report.

A report can be sent with photos and descriptions via SMS or Email, making it easy for customers to understand what needs to be done and enabling them to “Approve” any work at the click of a button without you needing to call them.

Benefits to your Business

  • Significantly reduce the time in gaining authorisation on jobs
  • Send estimates and get approval at a click of a button
  • Reduce time spent on phone calls, both incoming and outgoing
  • Aids Front of House when using pre-defined text and pre-built jobs to quickly and efficiently build quotes

Benefits to your Customers

  • Allows your customers to view and approve work at their convenience
  • Help customers understand what is being reported by using pre-defined wording that will clearly describe what and why particular work is required
  • Allow customers to view images helping them understand and back up what has been reported visually

1. Vehicle Inspection

A technician completes an inspection.

Technicians can take pictures of each item being reported and choose from predefined text templates; this provides continuity on how work is reported to customers and makes it quicker and easier for your technicians to complete the checklist.

2. Vehicle Inspection Estimate

A completed inspection will appear on the homepage for Front of House to review.

Estimates can be quickly created using pre-built jobs (Service Packages) linked with descriptions as to what and why items are required.

Garage Hive can automate the categorisation of each item for Satisfactory/Advisory/Required work. Further, items can be reported as Dangerous if necessary.

An Online Authorisation Document is created. It can be previewed before sending it out to a customer for approval.


3. Online Authorisation Document

A customer will receive the Online Authorisation Document via SMS/Email.

It is visually evident to a customer whether a reported item is categorised as Satisfactory/Advisory/Required.

Within the document, they will view any images taken of any defects together with reasons why certain items should be replaced/repaired.

There are options to add alternatives to items, for example, aftermarket/main dealer parts or premium/budget tyres.

4. Customer Approval

Upon reviewing the document, the customer can approve the work or request a call back if necessary.
They also have an option to select a payment plan (if this is something supported by the business).

5. Attention Tile

Once the Online Authorisation Document has been approved, the Front of House will receive attention on the homepage to advise them. If a payment plan has been selected, it will also be reported on the same page.

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